Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sometimes I come across things that I just HAVE to stop and take a shot of. This old building was one of them. I was going home to see my family one weekend, and I passed this building in Puite. I had to stop and turn around to go back just to get a shot of this. I just love the yellow rusted color of the tin. I guess I'm sort of like my mom in the aspect that I like old and rusty things :)
Anyway, this was my favorite shot from that stop. I love the dark brown of the door in contrast with the yellows of the old rusty tin. I even like the bit of over grown weeds at the bottom, because they enhance the old abandoned feeling of the building. Also like the tight crop on this because it really makes the focus stay on that old tin. Needless to say, I was really glad I stopped!!


The Jackson's said...

Laurie, I had no idea you were so talented! You amaze me. I am going to put this sight on my blog for all of my friends to see!!! Oh and, I would love to see pics of your gma!!

Jenni Renee said...

I just wanted to say that this picture is amazing. Like yourself I just had to stop and tell you. the colors just call to you.