Saturday, April 25, 2009

Hogle freakin Zoooo... yeah that's right!! So, this was just another one of the ways Ryan and I kept ourselve entertained and out of too much trouble. I didn't even beat up on any kids while we were there. I competely behaved myself :) Giraffes have always been one of my favorite animals. I don't know why, they are just so wicked cool looking. I even asked one of my friends that majored in biology if he could genetically make me a mini giraffe....he thought I was joking, but I so wasn't. I mean if they can do it with donkeys they can do it with a giraffe right?? Yeah, that's what I thought too. Anyway, these are pretty much the only too that I liked out of that day. I just wasn't having a high hitting day I guess.