Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Fenway...Home of the Sox

In the previous post, or the Maine post...not the main post, but the Maine post ....haha.. :) Anyway, I mentioned that I got the opportunity to go to a game at Fenway. Not a bad place for your first Major League Baseball game huh? There is really something quite amazing about how much people love that place. Fenway is just as much part of the Red Sox experience as the actual players are. It is truely quite something the view you get as you walk up the little ramp out of the dark hole to see the bleachers part around you and the field open up infront of you with the Big Green Monstah wrapping around it. I can only image the awe that it would be to a small child there first time in Fenway. It's no wonder that New England lives, breaths and dies Red Sox fans. Those poor kids don't have a chance, it's just in their future to be Sox fans!! I haven't ever really been a HUGE baseball fan, but you just can't help but to be caught up in when you are surrounded by thousands of people that love the game. Thousands of seats that fill up each and every game. Thousands of seats that win or lose, if the Sox are playing at home those seats will have fans in them.


RyanAP said...

Being from New England and a diehard Red Sox fan. When we were first going out I warned Laurie that I love the the sox(a lot)!! Now that we are serious, I had to show her why exactly I am a Red Sox fan. I tried keeping it a surprise and wanted to give her the tickets in a ring box like Jimmy Fallon did in Fever Pitch on down on one knee (that would have surprised her!!), but she just has this way of getting it out of me and figured out that we were going. (I can't keep anything from her). So we went the day she flew to Boston on the first day of our vacation. It rained in the morning and we were both worried that the game would be delayed, but as soon as we walked up out of the subway the clouds parted and it was sunny and warm, A great day for baseball. I helped Laurie pick out her first Sox hat before we went in. It fit great and looks really good on her. We went inside the park tried to give her the best experience I could. We even went up on the Green Monsta!!. Our seats were pretty good, which is always important, especially to take the great photos that she did. We won that day and I am really glad and somewhat honored that I got to take her to her first. Since then she loves the sox and actually has been following them, I hope I created a monster!!

The Jackson's said...

Laurie! I need to book you! We need you to take pics of Emily! You can leave me a comment on my blog and let me know if you would be honored to take pics of my little child!

KayDee said...

Looks like you ahve had a very fun summer!! K seriously... those pictures are AMAZING! We will have to arrange a time for you to take pics of our family!?