Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Christmas Morning

I realize this post is a bit odd placed, being that it is March and all... However, I came across these photos today while I was cleaning out a few things from my photo files, and just remembered how much I loved this Christmas morning! Morgan with her crazy bedhead hair, and Andy in his Bob the Builder outfit...infact he wouldn't even answer to Andy while he was wearing it. He would just turn and say, "I'm not Andy, I'm Bob the builder!"
It just made for a really really fun morning. Christmas isn't all about what we find under the tree on Christmas morning, but you do have to admit that having kids around always make Christmas more fun :)

1 comment:

Jana Sorensen said...

So Cute! We aren't going to be in town this weekend so I guess next time you come down I will try and be here! love you! You're the best!